Thursday, March 25, 2010

London, England

We have arrived!

My pack weighs 26.2 pounds and it will last me 13 weeks. Very ambitious; I'm quite excited about it!

The flights were incredibly smooth and we safely landed in London, which was just as cloudy and drizzly as expected. Our hostel is great! We got two free nights with the purchase of our airline tickets. It's clean, has internet, laundry, free breakfast, free linens, a bar, and we don't even have to take the stairs to our room. What else could you ask for in a hostel? Oh, and it's right next to Kings Cross Station (which is the Harry Potter station - duh). First thing I saw in the daylight was a stereotypical double decker red bus. And soon after I was in a stereotypical red phone booth calling home to let my family know that of all things, I forgot my debit card!! Seriously?! So I'm surviving off of prepaid rooms, tickets, etc. and trusting my Visa to carry me through til my debit card (and insurance card...and international student ID card...) arrive in a couple of days.

No clue what we're doing tomorrow :)

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