Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rob - CS #2 | Dreamboats

Today we met up with our second CouchSurfer host, Rob. He is from the States and lives in the "hippest" i.e. most Capitol Hill-esque part of London. It is very exciting to find other people with similar outlooks on traveling and CouchSurfing. Rob keeps super busy with his job as an investment banker, his passion for moving around and exploring the world, and I think the three bikes in his flat allude to another pass-time. Still, he manages letting two girls crash at his place. I thought we were going to actually stay on couches, which I was a little excited about (strangely), but then his roommate-to-be decided to move in next week so we are staying on another double bed. We met up with Rob on his lunch break, dropped our big bags off, and set out again with our day packs.

We headed to Westminster again to cover some more territory. We saw Westminster Abbey and walked along James's park to Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace was not as pretty as I thought it would be. Maybe it was just the gloomy day?

I feel like this time spent in Westminster was obligatory and if we hadn't seen these things, folks would go, "WHAT?! You didn't see Westminster Abbey?!" But the truth is, Laura and I aren't really into those huge tourist draws where you take a picture and move on. To be honest, I don't really care. I mean, everything is gorgeous, everything has history, and almost everything is famous for one reason or another. A lot of our trip I think will be focused on getting to know the people (CouchSurfers), customs, cultures, and food of the countries we visit; to me that will be a lot more exciting and memorable. I am more interested in the personal aspect, making connections and friendships and touch-points around the world than in having the same picture millions of other people have.

The better part of our afternoon was spent returning to the pub visited yesterday with Emmanuelle. It's called the Porterhouse and it's in Covent Garden. We saw some red ales we wanted to try yesterday so we spent the rainy afternoon sipping our half pints (so cute! so cheap!) and having a great conversation.

The best part of the day, though, was spent in the West End (London's Broadway) at a theatre show. We got 1/2 price tickets (just the way I like it) from our hostel a few days ago. So, we each paid 12.5 pounds to go see a new up-and-coming musical called Dreamboats and Petticoats. We passed by the theatre Saturday and it was packed with well-dressed theatre folks spilling into the streets past the fantastic review posters. I was really excited for this show which was described to us as being similar to Grease - about romance in the 60's with tons of fun tunes. As expected, Dreamboats and Petticoats was a total blast and was the most entertaining show I've been to in quite some time! We were in the second balcony but in the first row, so we had an unobstructed view of all the dancing and singing. The characters were positively endearing and I can't believe this isn't some kind of smash hit. It definitely felt like we were watching an undiscovered gem of a production. Every single character was on their game for the entire play, the singers had great voices, and oh yeah! ALL the music was played on stage! So not only were people simultaneously singing/dancing/acting, but they were also playing the guitar, piano, keyboards, saxophones, and drums. No conductor or anything, they were just pure awesome. And the best part might have been at the very end during the last song when old people all over the theatre stood up and started dancing in their aisles or in their seats. ADORABLE!

[At some point on the Tube today we were waiting for a lift (elevator) and these four guys in front of us were chatting. Then one of the mates (hah) started talking about CouchSurfing, about how his friend had done it all over South America and had a great experience with it. Then the typical responses ensued..."yeah...I don't know man, I would just have a tough time trusting strangers like that..." and after a little bit of this, Laura finally goes, "I can't help but eavesdrop; we're actually CouchSurfing right now." The two guys who were less skeptical of CS turned around and asked how it was going, etc. and we told them all was well so far. But the cool thing is that people are TALKING about it! Answering questions, spreading the word, and all of the first and second hand stories are positive :) It's going to keep growing and making the world a better place. Yay :)]

After the play we headed back to Rob's flat where we shared some wine and conversation. Rob had another early day of work and we were tired so that didn't last too long, and before long I was passed out on his ridiculously comfortable guest bed.

"If I'm ever at home three weekends in a row it's shocking. There's too much to see." - Rob

"I really can't think of any other of my friends that would be better to travel with." - Laura (awwww)

Reunited with my dear debit card and insurance card!
Picked up our bus tickets in London (not Liverpool).

Travel Tip:
Crappy weather is a perfect excuse to hop from cafe to bar to restaurant, of course only switching locations when the rain stops :)

Today I thought of:
Jesse Einstein - you would have gone nuts for this musical. Have you heard of it? If anyone has, it's you!
Sam Grone - you should have seen the saxes rocking out at this play!!!! Whenever I see saxes I think of you :) Also you'd like this neighborhood because it's the 'hippest place in London' ;)

One more day in this big city...


  1. Oh, good, I was wondering if London Theater was on your list of things to do. So worth it.

  2. Sweetheart, I'm just enjoying your travel notes SO much. I'm proud of you and I love you. Grandma

  3. yes theatre was amazing.

    grandma, so happy you are reading and enjoying my blog!! if you figured out how to comment hopefully my parents aren`t far behind :)
